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    guitar strap menu area guitar strap bottom connect with me flickr icon


      Musically, my CD ‘Reunion’ came about in 1999 just prior to the commencement of the, ‘two year Sabbatical’. It was a lifetime dream that I am so proud to have done. Most of the, somewhat heartfelt songs came about more as a healing from life’s turmoil, distant memories that seemed to be cleansed, once put to paper and shared. I think of them not in sadness but more in an uplifting way that I know all of us have experienced when a piece of music or words seem to touch your soul. A kind of familiarity that you can easily connect with. Please be my guest and check out samples of the songs below.

      And for the Artistic Directors viewing this page:

      reunion cd

      For signed copies, please email me

      Listen To Samples